Wednesday 4 February 2015

Microsoft goes into Virtual Reality with the Hololens 3D Headset

image credit: Microsoft 

Tech Industries are trying to revolutionize technology and going into Virtual Reality. This trend will have a long term change (of course for the better) in the gaming market.Though Microsoft sold a lot of Kinects by following the Wii wave, the devices were not so strong for what they assumed they were. Virtual Reality is impressive tech, but nobody’s even close to explaining how it’s supposed to be a business.

Microsoft is onto something with the HoloLens, a technology that the company showed at its Windows 10 event. It is an augmented reality system capable of projecting faux-holograms to an eyepiece you wear. The net effect is the wearer “sees” a hologram in space all around him, and to back this up Microsoft’s presentation showed high concept uses like a designer working on an application on a monitor, but with a projected 3D model appearing to the side.

The HoloLens is not the first device to enter the race of VR Headset. It has been occupied for a while by Oculus at the power end and Google Glass at the convenience end. In essence HoloLens is trying to blend the two, forming a high definition augmented reality system within a constrained space. This all sounds enthusiastic, and the reality of such a device would likely be more ordinary.

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